Sen. Miner Encourages Bi-Partisan Solutions for General Assembly’s Environment Committee; Several Waste and Recycling Concepts to be Drafted as Raised Bills during 2020 Legislative Session
February 10, 2020

HARTFORD – State Senator Craig Miner (R-30), Ranking Member of the General Assembly’s Environment Committee, released the following statement in response to the committee’s unanimous vote to move 15 concepts forward to be drafted as bills in the 2020 Legislative Session, in addition to one proposed resolution. Several of the concepts to take the form of raised bills are connected to waste and recycling practices. The proposals include addressing issues related to multi-stream recycling, food waste diversion, and the use and distribution of polystyrene products.
“I’ve served on many committees during my time in the House and here in the Senate. This committee can reach solutions on behalf of the environment, with both Republican and Democratic support,” he said. “These solutions might not be my solutions, and they might not be the solutions of individual colleagues on this committee, but we can work together to find middle ground. We are all committed to protecting our environment for today, tomorrow and for future generations and I look forward to working with all my colleagues to strive toward this shared goal.”