Sen. Kelly Announces Proposal to Cap Insulin Costs for Patients

February 13, 2020

Sen. Kelly Announces Proposal to Cap Insulin Costs for Patients - CT Senate Republic

Today Senator Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford), ranking member of the Insurance and Real Estate Committee, joined with fellow Insurance Committee leaders to announce a proposal to cap what patients pay for insulin.


“When it comes to the high cost of health care we need a broad and comprehensive approach that addresses cost drivers and access in multiple ways. Capping copays on insulin is one of the ways we can help people afford a drug that is needed for every day survival,” said Sen. Kelly. “I want to thank my fellow leaders on the Insurance Committee for working in a bipartisan manner on this proposal and others. This is an important place to start and a conversation that must continue.”


Kelly added, “The Insurance Committee is not proposing to tax consumers or insulin manufacturers and distributors. Any tax on insulin at any level would ultimately get passed on to consumers, driving up costs and making it even harder for people to afford this life saving drug. Rather, the Committee is focused on capping copays for insulin and helping people access insulin in emergency situations. We want to work with all stakeholders to make this legislation an effective way to help people afford and access care.”


Approximately 355,000 people in Connecticut have diabetes and nearly triple that number have prediabetes high blood glucose levels that put them at risk. An estimated 18,000 people in Connecticut are diagnosed with diabetes annually.


“Insulin prices have skyrocketed in recent years. The costs, even for patients with insurance, can be insurmountable. But going without is simply not an option. It’s a life or death decision. The complications that result from not using the proper amount of insulin are life-threatening and costly both from a health and financial perspective and lead to further health complications. Increasing access to insulin will not only reduce medical costs in the both the short and long term, it will save lives,” said Kelly.


The Insurance Committee is offering a proposal to cap copays on insulin and insulin supplies. The initial proposal would require that any fully insured plan cover insulin at $50 per month and insulin supplies like diabetic test strips, lancets and lancing devices, and syringes at $100 per month. The committee is also looking at ways to adopt “Kevin’s Law” a national policy to dispense insulin and insulin supplies to patients without a prescription on an emergency basis.


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