This fight on Tolls is not over.

January 31, 2020

This fight on Tolls is not over. - CT Senate Republic

WOLCOTT – Late Thursday afternoon it was confirmed that Democrats would not hold a special legislative session to force a vote on tolls only 48 hours before the 2020 regular legislative session is set to convene.

“The incredible outpouring of opposition to tolls has shaken the Democrat leadership’s confidence that they have enough votes to pass the bill,” said Sen. Sampson.  “While temporary, this is a victory for CT taxpayers.   We are all taxed plenty already.  A better solution would be to manage our state’s finances with reasonable priorities.”

“Congratulations to my neighbors for not allowing the Connecticut Democrats to run roughshod over you with a dangerously vague attempt to get tolls on the books. While our transportation infrastructure and maintenance is indeed a priority, even a casual review of our finances demonstrates the problem is not a lack of revenue.  I also want to remind everyone that the fight against tolls is not over.  We need to keep the pressure on.” added Sen. Sampson.