Sen. Kelly: We must push for cleaner air, but the TCI gas tax is not the solution

September 7, 2021

Sen. Kelly: We must push for cleaner air, but the TCI gas tax is not the solution - CT Senate Republic

HARTFORD – Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) released the following statement in response to Governor Ned Lamont’s press conference today in which he urged the legislature to support the proposed new CT gas tax as part of the TCI program:


“We all want cleaner air for Connecticut residents. But the TCI gas tax is a false promise to improve our environment. A new gas tax will not result in cleaner air. Rather it creates a new financial burden that will hit low income residents the hardest.


“The data released today highlights an issue Connecticut must address. We have long heard from Attorney General Tong that Connecticut sits at the end of the tailpipe of our nation’s exhaust fumes. The TCI gas tax does nothing to change that. No states to our west are participating in the program, meaning nothing will change in the states that generate the pollution that damages CT’s air. Environmental activist organization, The Sierra Club, is not supporting the TCI-P because it won’t achieve its stated goals.


“We must protect and preserve our environment and our air quality. There is a problem, we all agree, but the TCI gas tax is not the solution. Instead of focusing on proposals that take more out of CT families’ budgets, the Governor should be working on solutions that cross state lines, that support CT’s environment, and that will actually work to clean our air. Plus, with a historic level of funding from Washington likely headed to Connecticut, we should be working on maximizing a record investment in our state to protect the environment and improve our infrastructure – without hurting working and middle class families in the process.”


Sign the petition at and learn more about upcoming rallies to speak out against the proposed tax.