Sen. Kelly Statement on CT Healthcare Affordability Index

June 23, 2021

Sen. Kelly Statement on CT Healthcare Affordability Index - CT Senate Republic

Senate Republican Leader Kevin Kelly (R-Stratford) released the following statement in response to today’s announcement of the Connecticut Healthcare Affordability Index (CHAI) tool by Comptroller Kevin Lembo and Office of Health Strategy Director Vicki Veltri:


“I agree with the Comptroller in his recognition that Connecticut health care is unaffordable and his admission that Connecticut Democrats have failed to deliver on the promise of affordable health care, over a decade after the passage of Affordable Care Act. I too hope that this tool will push Connecticut to act. Many Democrats would rather preserve a political issue they are winning on, than find a solution for Connecticut families. While Republicans pushed for a comprehensive package of reforms to reduce health care costs and increase affordability and access to quality care, the Democrats did not even want to have a conversation on it.


“I also strongly agree with many of the points made by Vicki Veltri and Lisa Manzer today regarding affordability. Part of the problem in Connecticut is that people cannot afford health care because our state is so unaffordable. In Connecticut under years of Democrat rule income growth has not kept pace with the cost of living. We cannot consider health care to be affordable if purchasing it reduces a family’s ability to pay for food, rent or child care. Connecticut is dead last in job growth and income growth, and that puts health care further out of reach. We need affordable, quality and accessible health care for all people – not just a select few. Republicans will continue to push for action on this issue.”